Monday, October 26, 2009

Rise Up

One of the joys of being a "home-maker" are the countless hours that i put into creating a clean home for my family... maybe more for my sanity. Although the dishes, laundry, dusting, and many more chores can be tiring and repetitive, they can also be so rewarding. I've noticed that when i am stressed or upset about something i tend to clean. Its become more of an outlet. It gives me time to think and clear my head and let God place things upon my heart....

The other day while i was doing the dishes i was thinking about Proverbs 31. As a christian women i will always strive to live this chapter out. And my goodness, is it hard!
Anyways i was thinking about verse 28.
28Her children rise up and bless her;

         Her husband also, and he praises her"
i like how it says that "her children RISE up to bless her. They don't kneel down, they don't sit down, they don't run to her. They rise up. I am longing to teach Isaiah to rise up as a man in this world. I am so looking forward to our conversations about God, Christ and Jesus and what it will all mean to him. I can't wait to see him begin to grasp what Christ has done from him.
To rise up in this world takes guts. It takes courage, and a lot of Faith! I hope and pray that at a young age i will be able to show Isaiah how to rise up.

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