Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Last Pregnancy update....maybe.

As of the 12th (yesterday), i am now 40 weeks pregnant. I cannot believe that i have been pregnant for the last 9 months. On one hand it feels like forever and in another light it has gone by so fast.
I had a Midwife visit yesterday and it was great. They all have been great, but it was so exciting knowing that it could be my last visit. At my previous visit the baby was in a bit of an awkward position that would have led to a lot of back labor, which is no fun. This time (yesterday) within seconds of me lifting up my shirt for my Midwife to check the baby she exclaimed "Wow, she's moved!". I loved it! I love how in tune and connected Midwives become to their clients and babies. It really is amazing to watch.
The babies head is engaged and in a great position to be born. I measured exactly 40 weeks and everything looks great. It left me feeling so at ease and ready to meet my new little one.....boy or girl :-)
My mom and i went out to get a Mani/Pedi, which was her Birthday gift to me. My midwife told me that she just had 2 clients who had both gone into labor right after getting a Pedicure, so i thought it might be a good night to finally go out and do it.... obviously it didn't work, but i do have pretty toes and nails just in time for some amazing weather! Today Isaiah and i spent most of the day outside. We played in the yard and then went for a long walk down to the park and back. I've definitely had a lot of Braxton-Hicks, especially when i am doing something active..... but nothing more, and that is okay with me. I am a firm believer in letting the baby come on its own when it is good and ready.
I have been replaying Isaiah's Birth in my head over and over and i have been so curious as to how this next birth will play out differently. Last time it was so intimate.... just me, my husband, my Midwife and my mom. This time Isaiah, my Mother in law, my friend Mandy, and Doula Jodi will also be here with us..... 8 people in our tiny house. I know that it will still be very intimate, just in a different way.
I am so excited to watch how Isaiah reacts to everything. He may be a little confused with all the people at our house at once, but i think he really will understand what is going on. He seems to get that the baby is coming out of my belly soon and that we will get to hold it and take care of it as a family.

So instead of listening to my body and putting myself to bed i am up typing this and thinking about the 2 baskets of clothes standing a couple feet in front of me that need to be folded.....the dust that i saw earlier on the bookshelf upstairs.... the car seat that needs to be put in the car.... oh i could go on.
That is definitely one thing that is an adjustment with having a Homebirth verses a hospital birth. Normally most visitors will come see you at the hospital before you are discharged to go home. With a Homebirth people are coming to your home to see you and the baby and if your a neat freak like me than it is definitely something you have to choose to relax about. Most people don't really know how to react to a Homebirth... its really quit simple. You come to see the baby and the family. You offer your warm regards. Then you happily go on your way and let the mother and family get some rest. Just like you would if they were at the hospital. :-)

I think it is time for me to say goodnight, and hopefully next time i post it will be about our second Birth story!


  1. Looking forward to reading your birth story, Cherith!!!! :) Thinking much about you as I'm also waiting for our baby to come...

  2. Your list of To-Do's is so similar to mine! I'm having a hospital birth but want my house to me nice,neat, and tidy when I come home! I'm 3 cm dilated right now so know the clock is ticking to put all our laundry away, finish the nursery, get the carseat in the car, vaccuum, clean the bathrooms! haha. Thankfully, if I set my mind to it I could get that all done today after work... could... haha. Can't wait to find out if baby Marsalese is a he or she!
